This teaching sequence was developed as part of a pre-service teacher education experience conducted by the ReMSTEP project.

Pre-service teachers from Deakin University and The University of Melbourne, were given the opportunity take part in a collaborative team, working with educators from the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC), Scientists specialising in the field of Bionics, and Teacher Educators from each University.

We have provided the teaching sequence here as part of ReMSTEPs commitment to open source materials (licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0).

This website provides a summary of the five modules that were developed along with downloadable resources.

Please note: neither GTAC, Deakin University, or The University of Melbourne warrant the accuracy or suitability of the information provided here.

This teaching sequence has been developed by the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC), Deakin University and The University of Melbourne thanks to the Reconceptualising Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Programs (ReMSTEP) project.

Published early 2017