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Contemporary Biology and Environmental Science In Education
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Scientists as Partners in Education
Science Squad
Inquiry science
A new topic was introduced to La Trobe’s Master of Teaching (Primary), which linked research into teaching science through inquiry-based pedagogy with a professional experience placement. A series of interactive experiences for pre-service teachers was run in partnership with Quantum Victoria (QV).

Responds to ReMSTEP innovation(s):
Contemporary science and mathematics integrated in initial teacher education (ITE) units of study.
Key points
- Series of experiences at Quantum Victoria (QV)
- Linking pre-service teachers to science educators
- Supported by a series of illustrations of practice in Inquiry Science
The Inquiry Science topic formed part of the Practitioner Research Project, undertaken in the second year of the La Trobe University Masters of Teaching. Pre-service teachers (PSTs) were given the opportunity to link research into approaches to teaching science, through inquiry-based pedagogy within their professional experience placement.

ReMSTEP, in partnership with Quantum Victoria (QV) and La Trobe University, organised a series of experiences for PSTs to attend at QV.
- Awareness experience – PSTs can visit QV for observation to gain an awareness of the contemporary science activities presented at QV and the inquiry teaching methodology used at QV.
- Teaching methods support experience - PSTs can visit QV for observation to gain an awareness of the contemporary science activities presented at QV and the inquiry teaching methodology used at QV. Such visits are aligned with the study of the subject specific methods subjects (secondary) to inform understanding of contemporary methods in science and maths education.
- Teaching placement support experience – PSTs could incorporate a QV activity into their practicum experience with their host school. PSTs who have previously engaged with the first two experiences are eligible to attend QV as a part of their practicum experience.
- Extended teaching placement experience – PSTs can undertake and extended practicum experience with a placement at QV, and possibly in partnership with Charles La Trobe College.
- Practitioner Research Project support experience – PSTs could undertake an observation or short-term teaching support experience at QV to complement their Practitioner Research Project. This experience would be most appropriate for students investigating inquiry science in their Practitioner Research Project in their second year of their Masters of Teaching.

In support of these programs, ReMSTEP at La Trobe also developed a series of illustrations of practice in Inquiry Science, that can be presented as resource materials for the topic.
ReMSTEP also contributed to funding a remote Lab programs on offer at Quantum Victoria via the Online Portal, which is currently under development. Unfortunately, this program was unable to run before the ReMSTEP project concluded. For more information, please contact Nick Tran.
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