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How the outcomes were achieved
- All activities
- New study options
- Additional Experiences
AMSPP collaboration
ASELL for Schools - Victorian Node
Back to school
Communicating Science
Contemporary Biology and Environmental Science In Education
Contemporary Science Schools Network
Discovery STEM initiative
Maths videos
Multidisciplinary Science and Technology in Education collaboration
Reconceptualising Chemistry
Reconceptualising Rocks
Representing scientific practice at the Institute for Frontier Materials
Scientists as Partners in Education
Science Squad
Science and Mathematics in the Classroom
A new elective, Science and Mathematics in the Classroom, was created in 2015 for the University of Melbourne’s Master of Teaching (Primary) program, and focused on the integration of STEM ideas into the primary classroom environment.

Responds to ReMSTEP innovation(s):
Contemporary science and mathematics integrated in initial teacher education (ITE) units of study.
Specialist science and technology centre collaborations.
Key points
- New unit of study to support the MTeach (Primary) Science and mathematics specialist pathways
- Developing the skills and capacities of the pre-service teachers to more effectively integrate authentic science and mathematics
- Scientists and mathematicians involved in the process
As part of the new specialisations offered within the Master of Teaching (Primary) at the University of Melbourne, a new elective was developed which focused on the integration of science and mathematics into the primary classroom environment. The unit, Science and Mathematics in the Classroom, was developed in collaboration with pre-service teachers, under the ReMSTEP Innovation 1 framework.
It gave us a really unique opportunity to work with people... it was fair recognition of everybody's time involved in the program–it wasn't an imposition–and I think that for me that sort of partnership means that you don't feel that you are the only people who are benefiting. You can see what your own students are getting out of it, and what you are getting out of it. It was a unique experience, and not something I would have initiated without REMSTEP.
The elective was designed to model the teaching approaches that ReMSTEP embodies. Pre-service teachers, in collaboration with a team of academics; education officers from specialist science centres, scientists, mathematicians, school-based staff and teachers developed strategies of integration, and then put those ideas into practice in select primary schools.
In 2015, the unit focused on the Adaptations unit:
In 2016, the University partnered with the Victorian Space Science Education Centre to give students the opportunity to learn about science outreach in their interactive facility.
The intention of the unit is to develop the skills and capacities of the pre-service teachers to more effectively integrate science and mathematics, in a more authentic way than is normally done, and to have scientists and mathematicians involved in that process. The traditional image of a scientist dies hard, and by working with real-world scientists, the pre-service teachers have an authentic image to pass on to their classes.
Undertaking this elective has actually helped me understand a lot about teaching science. It has been amazing doing this course because just knowing the content, knowing about science or adaptations, has not been enough to teach the subject. And that is what I have learned through actually teaching in the classroom. It’s amazing watching other student candidates describe a concept or having dialogue with students because I can see or observe while I am in the classroom.
This elective has been well received, and continues to be offered in 2017. Two surveyed participants said that the leadership experience they received in the unit helped them find employment, and all participants felt more confident in their ability to integrate science and mathematics into their teaching.
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